Borage Borago officinalis: Move forward in your own power. Cell memory release work.
Alleviates despondency. Adrenal gland and energy tonic.
Chickweed Stellaria media: Rebalances thyroid gland. Optimal metabolism. Cooling. Embrace
the succulence of life! Throat and thymus gland nourishment.
Chicory Cicchorium intybus: Liver nourisher & tonifier. Heightens intuitive focus and awareness; third eye. Courage & protection. Enjoying one’s own company. Circulates lymph; nourishes and builds immunity. Kidney tonic. Clears on physical and energetic levels. Throat and heart clearing.
Cranesbill Geranium carolinian: Digestive. Calms stomach upsets. Greatly aids the gall bladder and liver. Reduces bloating.
Croneswort Artemisia vulgaris: Clears & further opens channels to right brain. Rebalances pineal and pituitary glands promoting optimal hormone balance .Connects the
right and left brain, promotes visioning, following one’s dreams.
*Damiana Turnera diffusa Relax after a long day! Muscle relaxant and mild euphoric. Boosts
serotonin uptake in the brain. Allows the adrenals to relax. Uplifting
in cases of being depressed/down. Like liquid chocolate!
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale: Liver nourisher. Clears and heals the kidneys and digestive system.: Energy tonic. Alkalinizes system and boosts immune system. Grounding; good for confidence, creativity and integration.
Dianella Dianella nigra: Walking forward with clarity. Self-assertion. Releasing old beliefs.
Echinacea Echinace angustifolia: Promotes listening to oneself. Counters bacterial infections.
Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis: Confidence; following your inner knowing. ‘Eyes open’.Eyesight and liver tonic. Helps dissolve cataracts. Anti-inflammatory, stops allergies and boosts lifeforce. Third eye and solar plexus.
Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium:Alleviates and prevents headaches and migraines. Particularly suited to treat hormonal migraines.
Ginger Zingiber officinale: Boosts circulation; warming from the inside out! Digestive aid; helps
alleviate nausea. This plant assists us to integrate at our own pace.
Gingko Gingko biloba: Repairs long term memory neurons in the brain. Helps concentration
and focus, mental alertness. Excellent circulation tonic. Quiets the mind so that the heart can be heard.
Gotu kola: Clears and balances the brain. Clears meridians throughout the body
and helps energy levels. Enlivening; wake up with the sun!
and helps energy levels. Enlivening; wake up with the sun!
Hawthorn Crataegus oxycanthus: Effectively lowers blood pressure within 1-2 weeks. Powerful heart tonic. Lowers cholesterol levels. Joy & flexibility. Release of grief.
Heartsease Viola tricolor: Expressing the truth of one’s heart. Trust in self, following one’s
path. Solar plexus, third eye(intuition) and throat (communication).
Hops Humulus lupulus: Dream-work and emotional healing. Greatly helps dream recall.
Mild sedative.
Horopito Pseudowintera axillaries: Release of held-in anger, specifically resentment.
Counters thrush. Anti-fungal, anti-candida action in the body.
Houhere Hoheria: Restores hope in life. Backbone of existence, freedom in being alive.
Ipomea indica: Addiction remedy. Helps release emotions underlying the addiction.
Ivy leaved Toadflax Linaria cymbalaria: Release responsility for other people’s process. Helps relax neck and shoulder tension.
Karamu Coprosma robusta: Healing for the sexual organs of both men and women(sacral area).
Kidney& urinary tract tonic.Re-membering who you are-Solar plexus
Kawakawa Macropiper excelsia: Heart release work. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Enhances circulation, cleanses the blood and kidneys.
Koromiko Hebe stricta: Calms the stomach, eases digestive system upsets. Helps to clear
emotions held in the stomach area.
emotions held in the stomach area.
Lavender & Angelica: Highly protective. Holds the space for big transitions and changes to
happen more easily. Helps release irritability and anger.Uplifting.
Licorice ‘Energy tonic’ Glycyrrhiza glabra: Wonderful Energy tonic. Adrenal gland support. Also nourishes and repairs all mucous membranes; throat, lungs, intestinal area etc. Heals
ulcers, soothes digestive system and helps settle sleep patterns.
Maca Root Lepidium meyenii: Alleviates hot flushes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms. Helps energy levels. Enhances female libido and male potency. Standing in one’s power and strengthening spiritual connection.
Mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus Building structure. Connecting with the Ancestors in everyday life.
Practical steps to following your intuition.
Motherwort ‘Lion heart’ Leonorus cardiaca: Eases and eliminates menstrual cramps and PMT. Moderates mood swings, eases hormonal ups and downs. Regulates blood sugar levels.
Stops headaches and is a powerful heart tonic. Helps deal with emotional stress, assisting constructive action. Courage and focus.
Native Broom Carmichaelia: Energizing. Strengthening. Empowering. Soothing and calming.
Native Jasmine: Assists one’s personal spiritual connection. Lightens one’s whole
being & awareness.
Nettle Urtica dioica Embrace the shadow self. Kali durga. Kidney support. Life force.
Olive Leaf Olea europaea Stops colds, flus and viruses. Boosts energy levels and is a liver
detox. Effectively counters thrush, candida and other fungal/yeast infections. Binds to heavy metals and other impurities in the blood, passing them out of the body. Alkalanizes the body!
Oxalis Oxalis acetosella: New perspectives. Release of what we have ‘known’ to create anew.
Peach Stones Prunus persica: Communication & power; throat center. Breaking old cycles that no longer serve you. Helps those who either under or over communicate.
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium: Understanding both realms. A plant of the fairy world. Death and
rebirth; transformation. Ancestral wisdom. Hormonal balance.
Piripiri Acaena anserinifolia: Solar plexus and third eye healing. Activation of primal knowledge of self love. Release of the limiting heavier denser emotions.
Polygonum Polygonum persicaria: ‘Quickening’. Helping one to go beyond one’s usual comfort zone. Upwards energy movement facilitating release and positive change.
Pokeroot Phytolacca americana: Taken in small doses (3 drops up to 3xsday), this powerful plant is a lymphatic system cleanser. Breaks up cysts, able to dissolve tumours.
Red Clover Trifolium pratense: Working through trauma, usually sexually- related. Cellular release work, often from childhood (0-5 yrs). Root & heart energy centers.
Rewa Rewa ‘Honeysuckle’ Knightia excelsa: Gentleness of spirit. Enhances feminine energy and trust in the unknown.
‘Red pine’ Dacrydium cupressinum: Tuning into higher knowledge. Ancient realms. Clearing the etheric body. Communication with the Divine self. Helps the thyroid.
Gotu kola: Centering.. Rebalancing. Rejuvenating of all systems. Creating room for the new.
Self Heal ‘Self-love’
Prunella vulgaris: Self Love. Connecting with, and re-integrating aspects of oneself that one hasn’t come into contact with for some time. Conscious recall. A wonderful during fasting. Facilitates spiritual nourishment.
Capsella bursapastoris: Stops heavy bleeding. Mid-life hormone balance. Tones the uterus,
helps to expel afterbirth. Helps to align the spine. Support of oneself.
Speedwell Veronica persica: Clears sinus congestion. Eases eye soreness and helps eyesight. Goes
to areas of tension, specifically the neck and shoulder areas- and relaxes the muscles. Helps to align with one’s inner knowing. Takes energy away from the head.
St. John’s wort: ‘Sunshine- in-a-bottle’ Hypericum perforatum: Strong anti-depressant effects. Alleviates nervous anxiety. Eases and eliminates muscular tension and nerve pain, such as sciatica. Stops cold sores, and counters the herpes virus in general. Boosts serotonin
levels (one of the major feel-good molecules in the brain), helping the pineal and pituitary glands to function optimally. Like liquid gold!
Tamarack Larix laricina Confidence: Self-reliance. Solar plexus. Soothing. Heals the center of
the nervous system. Turning things around into the positive.
Tanekaha Pyllocladus trichomanoides: A powerful Detox. Effectively clears the blood of heavy metals and toxins. Liver tonic. Support of self.
Taraire Beilschmiedia :Connecting the mind and heart. Helping one to follow this process.
Wild passionflower: Calming. Mild sedative action, soothing to the nervous system.
Cordyline australis: Self- expression and self-acceptance. Honouring one’s uniqueness.
Speaking one’s truth with compassion.
Totara Podocarpus: Heart awareness. Centering. Helps with repressed base chakra
emotions. Intuitive knowledge of sexuality and identity.
Tree Daisy Olearia: Helps open crown energy center. Enlivening and uplifting.
Vervain Verbena officinalis: Practical intuitive focus. Nervous system healer. Gall bladder
nourisher and tonic; assists fat digestion. Calming; aligning with self.
Violets Viola odorata: Heart healing. Grief release work. Clearing. Trust in yourself.
Viper’s Bugloss Echium vulgare: Kundalini rising, awakening. Unblocks energy centers, specifically working with the third eye/intuition, and throat& solar plexus areas. Binds to heavy metals and helps pass them out of the body system.
Wild Arnica: Calming. Balances overall energy field. Stress relief . Grounding.
Watercress Nasturtium officinale: Assists in the clearing of negative emotions & thoughts, encouraging creative thought and processes. Clears impurities from the blood.
Wild Carrot Daucus carota: Release the last remnants of old patterning. Integration & moving ahead.
Wild Clematis Clematis paniculata: Excellent for channelling, helping to open the crown energy center and ground at the same time. Clear vision, expansive view.
Wild Ginger Zingiber: Integration of, and putting one’s inner knowing into action. Being the
change you wish to see in the world. Uplifting.
Wild Rose: ‘Heart Chakra’ Rosa: Come into your heart center. Open to the flow of unconditional love. Regulates mood swings, crying spells; works like rescue remedy.
Wood Betony Lamium: Allowing and supporting yourself in your own experience of what is
true for you. Integrity. Right relationship with yourself.
Yarrow Achillea millefolia: Energy field protection. Liver tonic. An ancient healing plant.
Yellow Dock Rumex crispus: Alkalinizes system. Detoxify! Excellent liver tonic. Binds to
impurities (including heavy metals) and passes them out of the body system. Nourishes spleen and eyesight. Creativity and confidence.